RSVP no later than noon on Monday, 03/17/25.
Host: Literature Committee
Speaker: Nathan Grower, Author of The Act of Disappearing and professor at Campbellsville University
Membership Meet & Greet: 10 - 11:30 a.m. in the North Parlor (contact Susan Carpenter)
Lunch Options:
Option 1: Hot chicken salad with a roll and asparagus
Option 2: Garden salad with tomato, cucumber, carrot, boiled egg, and grilled chicken
Option 3: Option 2 without meat
Dessert: Oatmeal cookie
About the Program: Dr. Nathan Gower, creative writer, Associate Professor of English at Campbellsville University and the author of the book The Act of Disappearing.
The Woman's Club of Louisville
1320 S. Fourth Street
Louisville, KY 40208
© 2022 The Woman's Club of Louisville
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